Artist Protection Fund надає стипендії представникам різних галузей мистецтва, які зіштовхуються з труднощами через нестабільну ситуацію у країні перебування. (далі - англ.).
The Artist Protection Fund (APF) is a three-year pilot program at the Institute of International Education. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, APF will make life-saving fellowship grants to threatened artists from any field of artistic endeavor, and place them at host universities and arts centers in safe countries where they can continue their work.
Eligibility Criteria
Artists from any country and artistic discipline may qualify. Applications are reviewed for artistic merit, the quality/potential of the applicant's work, and the severity of the threats that the applicant faces. Preference is given to artists who:
We encourage applications from women and members of ethnic, racial, cultural, or religious minority groups, or those otherwise underrepresented in their fields.
Please note that APF does not grant fellowships to students seeking to continue their academic studies. In addition, APF gives priority to individuals still living in their home country or who have recently fled. APF typically does not consider applications from individuals who have been displaced or in exile for more than two years, or who hold citizenship or other permanent status in a second country.
Required Application Materials
If you would like to apply for an APF fellowship, you will have to submit the following required materials online.
1. Completion of the Online Application.
2. Current CV or resume. Please include the following information:
3. An Artist Statement. Please discuss your artistic background and process, and explain what projects you would undertake during a fellowship. Please note that artist statements are generally a maximum of one page.
4. A Personal Statement. Please explain why you are applying to the Artist Protection Fund for support. Include a clear account of the threats or risks that you have been facing. Please note that personal statements are generally a maximum of one page.
5. Two (2) professional letters of reference from creative professionals who can speak to your artistic practice, exhibitions, publications, teaching or other advanced artistic experience.
6. Two (2) personal letters of reference from colleagues or persons who are aware of the difficulties that you have been facing. These letters can include artistic merit.
Reference Guidelines
If you have completed steps one (1) and two (2) of the online application and meet the Artist Protection Fund program qualifications, you will be contacted for more information and asked to submit portfolio materials.
All application and portfolio materials must be received by Monday, January 4, 2016.
For more information: