Глобальний інноваційний фонд – це незалежна некомерційна організація, яка інвестує в соціальні інновації. GIF відкритий для фінансування широкого спектру інноваційних організацій та проектів на різних стадіях їх розвитку, починаючи від ранніх етапів розробки проекту, до промислового чи інших видів впровадження (далі - англ.).
The Global Innovation Fund is an independent global nonprofit organization which invests in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world.
Through their grant programme they look for innovative solutions to global development challenges with the potential for substantially greater impact than existing approaches, especially for poor and vulnerable groups. GIF is open to funding a wide range of innovative organisations and projects at varying stages in their development, ranging from early start-up stages to larger scale implementation. GIF offers three stages of financing to pilot, test and scale innovations. It supports innovators who are committed to using and generating rigorous evidence about what works, and invests the largest funding amounts in innovations that can demonstrate evidence of success and that have potential to spread across multiple emerging markets.
GIF supports teams from social enterprises, for-profit firms, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and researchers across all relevant sectors (http://www.globalinnovation.fund/sectors-we-support) and doing work based in any eligible country in the developing world, including Ukraine.
GIF offers grants, loans (including convertible debt), and equity investments ranging from $50,000 to $15 million. Applicants are asked to indicate their preferred capital type and amount on their application.
At the Pilot stage, GIF provides seed capital to support the start up and field-testing of innovations.
At the Test & Transition stage, GIF funds innovations that have already demonstrated success at a small scale.
At the Scaling Up stage, GIF supports the expansion of innovations that have already demonstrated a strong track record of social impact and effectiveness.
The GIF’s application process involves three steps:
There is no deadline for this grant scheme. Applicants are encouraged to apply at any time, and GIF will review applications on a rolling basis.
For further information please visit the official website http://www.globalinnovation.fund.