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Гранти для нових та інноваційних незалежних засобів масової інформації в Україні

  • WHAT: Grant funding ($25,000 a year) and technical support for new and innovative independent media initiatives
  • WHO CAN APPLY?: Ukrainian media initiatives and outlets dedicated to transparency and public service
  • APPLICATION: Online Grant Application
  • UPDATED DEADLINE: February 27, 2015 at 17:00 (Kyiv)


Freedom House invites applications for participation in a multi-year independent media funding, capacity-development, and technical-assistance program. Grant funding will be provided to innovative media initiatives in Ukraine that focus on accountability and transparency of government and society in accordance with the guidelines outlined in this announcement. In addition to funding, successful applicants will also undergo an assessment of media productive and management capacities and needs, and receive tailored technical support in areas essentially to managing an organization and media initiative.

Founded in 1941, by Eleanor Roosevelt and others, Freedom House is the oldest non-profit, nongovernmental organization in the United States dedicated to promoting and defending democracy and freedom worldwide. Freedom House supports the global expansion of freedom through its advocacy activities, monitoring, and in depth research on the state of freedom, and direct support of democratic reformers throughout the world.  

Freedom House will select up to 4 independent media organizations or initiatives which cover specific or a range of political, economic, and social developments in Ukraine; have demonstrated an ability to reach regular citizens with clear, unbiased information, and analysis; and have demonstrated creativity and dynamism in responding to social, political, and economic changes in Ukraine. Priority will be given to organizations and initiatives that see themselves as agents of transparency, accountability, and democratic development.

Media partners will receive one year of financial and technical assistance and will have the opportunity to seek follow-on funding. After the first year of support, media partners will have an opportunity to request an additional year of funding and support pending submission of an additional proposal and approval by Freedom House. In the first year of funding, Freedom House will provide grants with a maximum size of $25,000 to selected media initiatives.

Freedom House will support print, online, broadcast, or other types of media initiatives, and seeks applications seeking to expand their reach and impact through collaboration with Freedom House and other Ukraine media initiatives and civil society groups, as well as with that will enable them to magnify their impact and share resources. 

The media grants and technical assistance will support the twin purposes of

  1. financially supporting media initiatives and organizations that seek transparency and accountability in governance and public life through reporting on economic, social, cultural, and political issues, stories, and questions, and
  2. providing essential technical support and assistance to new or evolving media organizations and initiatives, including those that are not managed by professional media managers.

Applicants have broad latitude to design projects under this call, but applications will also be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Innovativeness – does the applicant propose innovative approaches, including through to the use of technology, to distribute its content, engage the public, or cover and report on issues of public interest or concern?
  • Partnerships, engagement, and inclusiveness – does the applicant have a track record and/or a plan for developing strategic partnerships with the media, civil society organizations, or government agencies?
  • Editorial policy – does the applicant have a clear editorial policy or approach that prioritizes transparency and public service?
  • Audience and reach – does the applicant have a regional or local focus, as well as a clear idea of its current and/or desired audience and how to engage and serve the needs of that audience?
  • Non-discrimination – does the applicant take into account how nationality, race, language, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation are portrayed in the media and articulate strategies for supporting non-discrimination and inclusiveness? 
  • Organizational development readiness – does the application have a clear understanding of in what it needs organizational development assistance in the short and medium terms and is the applicant prepared to work with Freedom House to develop its organizational capacities?

Priority will be given to assistance to regional- and local-level media organizations and initiatives, as well as to those that focus their reporting on local developments and regional or thematic gaps in media coverage and reporting.

Applications to this announcement should demonstrate an understanding of main organizational weaknesses and a desire to address them with the support of Freedom House.

Under this program, Freedom House will provide support to new or ongoing journalistic projects, including support to efforts to expand audiences or fund the limited purchase of essential equipment.


Only organizations, associations, and foundations registered in Ukraine are eligible for participation in this program. Individuals and government offices or agencies are not eligible for funding, however, media outlets that are entirely or partially owned or supported by the government are eligible for funding and are encouraged to apply. Outlets with government ownership or support must clearly demonstrate in their application that they operate independently of and are not controlled by any government body, and must have a record of independent media activity.


Freedom House intends to fund projects that begin in March or April 2015 and extend for one year. Projects should extend 12 months with a maximum budget of $25,000. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to seek follow-on funding following the first year of project activities.The distribution of funds will follow selection of media partners and entry into an agreement between media partners and Freedom House. All activities must take place in Ukraine and international travel and activities conducted outside of Ukraine will not be considered.


  • UPDATED: Applications will be accepted until February 27, 2015 at 17:00 (Kyiv);
  • Applications must be submitted in English, Ukrainian, or Russian using the online application form and a provided budget template; and
  • Applications must be submitted through an online system.
  • Only complete applications will be considered. Complete online applications must include an executive summary, a detailed project description, an organizational assessment, information about the organization or initiative, and an uploaded project budget.


  • QUESTION: Can we change the titles and lines in the budget template according to needs of our initiative?
    ANSWER: Yes, please adjust the budget titles and lines to meet the budget needs of the project.
  • QUESTION: Can individuals or entrepreneurs apply?
    ANSWER: No, only registered non-commercial or commercial organizations may apply.
  • QUESTION: In what language can we submit the application and budget in?
    ANSWER: Applications and budgets can be submitted in English, Ukrainian, or Russian. The application and budget may be submitted in different languages.
  • QUESTION: In what currency should we write the budget?
    ANSWER: Please use US dollars when developing the budget.
  • QUESTION: What information must we submit to confirm other funding or support we have received for the project?
    ANSWER: We do not have specific requirements. Please include information, letters, or other documents that confirm the amount and type of support you are receiving as well as who is providing it.
  • QUESTION: Are there requirements for including salaries in the budget?
    ANSWER: The budget should include all necessary costs to undertake program activities that are not covered by other sources of funding, including salaries if necessary.
  • QUESTION: Are there requirements for which language we publish or broadcast in, for example German or English?
    ANSWER: We do not have specific requirements for the language of publication, broadcast etc., however, please keep in mind that applications will be evaluated based on the official criteria (listed here, which include audience and reach and a priority focus on local- and regional-level media initiatives.
  • QUESTION: Can we write an application in Russian or Ukrainian using the same online application form that is in English?
    ANSWER: Yes, there is one online application form ( for all applications in all languages.


  1. Only complete applications submitted by the application deadline will be considered. Complete applications shall include the following: 
    1. Online Grant Application
    2. Project Budget (uploaded Microsoft Excel file) using this template;  
  2. ​Applicants will be selected by Freedom House and a committee of reviewers.
  3. All salaries and other costs will be subject to review, approval and/or modification by Freedom House based on full or part time commitments and consistent with similar salaries and costs for each region and Kyiv.
  4. For more information about Freedom House, visit
  5. This program is possible through the support of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For more information about the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visit 





Віктор Шаховський   3559 днів тому   #  

Щось останнім часом багато грантів без перекладу, але ж хорошого перекладача важко знайти та і часу на переклад матеріалу, а потім і заявки потрібно багато.

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Олександр Магльона   3557 днів тому   #  

Де ж взяти аплікаційну форму українською!!!!?

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Катерина Полякова   3557 днів тому   #  

Англомовну форму можна заповнювати українською. Перекладеної, на жаль, немає.

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Ігор Алексєєв   3544 дні тому   #  

Можливо я неадекватний у цьому питанні, бо до ґрантів такого рівня не доріс, але мені здається, що хто насправді здатен успішно виконати такий ґрант, із перекладами проблеми мати не буде.

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Шмаль Олександр    2899 днів тому   #  

Доброго дня, Вікторіє!

Скажіть, будь ласка, чи є актуальний грант для незалежних ЗМІ, на який можна було б подати заявку зараз?

Я маю на увазі ось такий грант як цей.

Якщо є, дайте, будь ласка, посилання на Аплікаційну форму та умови участі.

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Мазипчук Максим   2898 днів тому   #  

Доброго дня, пане Олександре! Можливо Вас зацікавить можливість за посиланням З повним переліком актуальних грантів для незалежних ЗМІ Ви можете ознайомитися у рубриці гранти. Дякуємо, що користуєтесь порталом ГУРТ. З повагою, Максим Мазипчук.

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