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Докторські стипендії для кандидатів з країн, що розвиваються

University of Ghent is seeking applications for “Special Research Fund” offered to support university research groups or research centers in developing countries. The goal of this program is to grow excellent research centers by upgrading local academic personnel.

These grants take the form of a so called “sandwich” scholarship: the candidate obtains a scholarship for 24 months to work within a span of 48 months on an alternating basis on the PhD at Ghent University and at the university or research center in a developing country. Only for the periods the scholarship holder works at Ghent University the scholarship holder will receive a monthly income.

Eligibility & Criteria:

  • Candidates need to come from – and have the nationality of – a developing country
  • There must be a guarantee that the candidate will be able to work on the PhD project at the partner university in a selected developing country. This implies that there must be a local PhD supervisor at the partner university or research center. Also a written  statement is requested from that supervisor or the university authorities stating that the candidate is either a student or a staff member of this university and will be sufficiently exempted from teaching or other assignments as to be able to fully concentrate on the PhD research
  • This statement should also mention that the candidate receives/received a local scholarship or salary when working on the PhD in the home institute. 

Deadline - 4 March 2014.

For more information, visit this link.


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