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Гранти для налагодження партнерств між організаціями

ECF is pleased to announce a new call with a fresh focus for our 2013 Collaboration Grants scheme – offering creative opportunities for organisations across wider Europe.

This year, we are looking for cross-border artistic and cultural projects by artistic and cultural organisations working together with organisations from outside the cultural sector. In previous years, it was optional to include an organisation that wasn’t directly involved in the cultural sector – but now it’s mandatory.

Partner organisations could include academic institutions, governmental bodies, commercial enterprises, or NGOs working in social development or the environmental sector. The important thing is that you are working together with local communities on artistic projects that contribute to the ongoing debate on Europe and Europe’s place in the world.

We’ll be focusing on a new European community of practice that aligns with ECF’s priorities for 2013 – and we’ll be looking out for cross-sectoral collaborations by cultural change-makers engaged in creative movements that are already happening across Europe and that deserve particular recognition.

Check the ECF webpage for more information and to download our revised Collaboration Grants guidelines and apply. The deadline for submissions is Monday, 25 March 2013.

By the way - do you think you know of organisations that fit this description? Please forward this link to them and help us to spread the word! 


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