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Форум мистецтва та культурної дипломатії 2018 (Берлін)

«Форум мистецтва та Культурної дипломатії 2018» – щорічна міжнародна конференція, що відбувається в Берліні в лютому. Мета заходу – дослідження потенціалу мистецтва, забезпечення платформи для культурного обміну. Художники, музиканти, режисери кіно та театру, літератори та митці з інших сфер ділитимуться своїми поглядами разом з політиками, дипломатами, представниками громадянського сектору, підприємцями та науковцями. Запрошуються учасники виступити з доповідями на актуальні теми соціально-культурного розвитку (далі- англ.).

For decades, all forms of the arts have served as a powerful, effective vehicles to inspire and enable people to build cultural bridges and come together towards prosperous peaceful relations. Over the course of many years now, people have discovered the unique potential of the arts and in particular music, cinema, and performing arts to transcend cultures, serving as common languages to bring together different groups and communities. These unique qualities have the unparalleled strength to continuously effect people and over time sculpt human society closer to the ultimate goal of global peace.

The Power of Film & the Arts to Build Peace will be celebrated during the conference and examine the immense transformative value that the arts and music hold as vehicles of Cultural Diplomacy. The vision of the conference is to bring an interdisciplinary mixture of celebrated artists, high level representatives from the film industry and practitioners of Cultural Diplomacy in order to prepare an agenda for after the conclusion of the conference, which will initiate programs and initiatives that will support global peace.

Conference Location

Based in Berlin, the event series will be hosted in the ICD House of Arts & Culture, the German Parliament and several hotels in Berlin.

Conference Artists, Speakers and Delegates

Speakers & Delegates during the conferences will include among others celebrated artists & musicians, film-makers, actors, producers, screenwriters, leading politicians, senior diplomats, senior academics, renowned authors, and journalists.

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