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Глобальна Асамблея Відритого Форуму 2011

The Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness is pleased to invite you to the second and final Global Assembly of the Open Forum, which will take place in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on the 28th, 29th and the 30th of June 2011, facilitated by the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC).
The second Global Assembly of the Open Forum will bring together over 200 CSOs (Civil Society Organizations) and other stakeholders from across the globe to finalize the contents of the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness – the synthesis of over 80 country consultations involving some 3000 CSOs on what development effectiveness means for us collectively.
The first landmark Global Assembly of the Open Forum in Istanbul, September 2010, laid the foundation for the International Framework by adopting the eight guiding Principles of CSO Development Effectiveness, now widely referred to by the international CSO community in their development work.
The second Global Assembly aims to finalize the Framework as a consolidated CSO statement on the road to the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, in December 2011 – and beyond.
To register to take part in the second Open Forum Global Assembly, please click here.
… and spread the word to governments and donors to attend: click here
For more information about the agenda, specific objectives and background information, we invite you to review the invitation here and/or visit the event website.
You are also very welcome to write to the Open Forum Secretariat on [email protected] for any questions that you may have.
Let’s make this Open Forum Global Assembly a success on the way to High Level Forum 4 and beyond!


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