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Altemus оголошує відкритий конкурс на участь у програмі лідерства 2010

 Altemus announces an open competition for its 2010 leadership programme.
The programme is comprised of a:
1. Foundational leadership skills training (Part I - 3 weeks)
2. Voluntary community project in service of the poor and marginalised (involving but not limited to sports, community garden, photography)
3. Follow-up advanced training (Part 2 - 1 week)
Selected participants must complete all three parts of the programme in order to obtain a certificate of completion and any reference letters.
Our faculty of international, multidisciplinary experts will train participants in:
• self understanding
• visioning, goal-setting, planning
• communication skills
• stress management and healthy living styles
• teamwork
• leadership models and best practices

Altemus announces an open competition for its 2010 leadership programme .

  The program is highly participatory and interactive. It consists of short lectures, case studies, simulations, role-playing, personal reflections, group discussions, meetings with role model leaders, one-on-one coaching, outdoor experiential and expeditionary leadership.

Who Can Participate?  

To be eligible you must be: 20-30 years old a national of and residing in a new democracy preferably although restricted to Central and Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe (Balkans), Ukraine, Caucuses or Turkey prepared to attend an in person interview in an Eastern Europe city at their own expense committed to attending the entire training (foundational and advanced) prepared to work as a volunteer and a team member for at least 6 months (2-3 hours on average per week) on project and/or activities for the benefit of the marginalized or poor in your community responsible, self-motivated, honest, compassionate, team player proficient in English (speaking and comprehension) physically and mentally capable of rigorous outdoor activity (e.g. hiking with backpack 10-12 kg for 6-8 hours/day)

We particularly encourage young people who have fewer opportunities and those from less privileged backgrounds. A limited number of scholarships will be available to those in greatest need.

What Does It Cost

There is no cost to apply to the program. However, if selected to take part in the training one must pay a registration fee of 200€. The registration fee will not be reimbursed if the participant does not attend or complete the entire training. Upon completing the entire training, the participant will be reimbursed 50€. and be provided with a certificate from the Altemus program.

Participants must cover their own travel & visa expenses to the in person interview (in country or a designated location in Eastern Europe) and to the programme site in an EU member country. We encourage participants to proactively look for a sponsor (foundation, nonprofit, religious entity, corporation etc.) as soon as possible to cover these expenses. There is no tuition fee. Lodging, food, course tuition and material will be covered by Altemus. Participants will sleep either in dormitory style rooms or outdoors in tents. Be prepared that the training is intensive and hard work. The training should not be viewed as a vacation. Selection Procedure

A selection committee comprised of Altemus trainers and external leadership experts will review all applications submitted by the deadline. We have many applicants and the selection committee must make subjective judgments in selecting those which will be interviewed and invited to participate in the training. Altemus does not select participants on the basis of favoritism or connections.

How to Apply and Deadline

Interested candidates must fill out an online application form before midnight (European time) by 1 May 2010. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Only those selected for interviews will be contacted by May 15th.

Application Form Complete the online application form and submit by deadline.


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