The Civil Society Development Foundation is launching the 3rd phase of the Black Sea NGO Fellowship. The initiative was first launched in 2010 with the financial support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation.
The main goal of the 3rd phase of the program is to contribute to confidence building in the Black Sea region, to encourage mutual understanding and cooperation, to strengthen capacity and coordination of civil society organizations in the region.
The program aimes to bring together 12 young civil society leaders from the wider Black Sea region: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine.
The specific objectives are:
Profile of the candidates:
Young civil society leaders (18 – 27 years old) working with civil society organizations / civil society groups in the targeted countries.
The selected candidates will have strong leadership attributes, a good experience of involvement in civil society initiatives, a strong academic background and openess towards regional cooperation.
The communication language of the program is English. The candidates will have to prove a good command of English as a foreign language in both writing and speaking.
Selection of the candidates:
Phase 1:
Each applicant will provide a letter of motivation, a CV and a support letter from the civil society organization / civil society group where they activate.
Each applicant will also present, briefly, a project idea that she/he plans to develop with support from the other fellows, indicating how the participation to the program will contribute to the project and what type of involvement she/he will propose to the other fellows.
Twin applications will be highly encouraged: joint applications by 2 persons from different countries with prior joint work experience will be taken into consideration.
Deadline: 21 September 2012
Short-listed participants will be officially announced by 24 September 2012.
Phase 2:
Further references on the short-listed applications (persons/sending organizations) may be asked. Phone/skype interviews will be scheduled with short-listed applicants.
Selected participants will be officially announced by 28 September 2012
The program:
The Fellowship Program includes 2 phases: a preparatory phase in Romania, around the 5th edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum (24-25 October 2012); bilateral exchange visits and implementation of joint initiatives.
Phase 1:
The Fellows will first meet in Bucharest with the occasion of the 5th edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum (October 2012). The Fellows will travel to Bucharest on 23-27 October.
The 4-day meeting will include 3 main elements:
The program in Romania will include visits at and meetings with representatives of the main political institutions in Romania, Romanian journalists and civil society representatives. Individual appointments (meetings with persons/institutions chosen by each participant or recommended by the project team) will also be arranged.
Fellows will have the possibility to attend the opening day of the Black Sea NGO Forum, 5th edition.
The working program in Romania will be focused on developing joint bilateral/trilateral initiatives proposed by the Fellows. Fellows will develop their ideas with support from local facilitators. During the program in Romania each team will further refine its project idea, develop an action plan for the duration of the program, based on the feed-back from the other fellows. Facilitators/resource persons will provide support to all fellows to refine their project ideas/action plans. The action plans will include clear indicators, deadlines and responsabilities.
Phase 2:
In the second phase of the program each participant will receive a travel grant to visit and work together with their team colleague(s) on a joint initiative. Each participant will be able to travel to a different country for a least one week. Exchange visit programs will be developed by each team. The visit program will include obligatorily: meetings with local civil society leaders, journalists, public authorities; one public event involving local civil society and/or mass media and/or public authorities and/or other representatives of the community.
The participants will also contribute to developing a blog of the program.
By the end of the program the fellows will:
The deadline for application is 21 September 2012. Please submitt your application forms to the following address: [email protected] , mentioning in the subject of the email “Fellowship 2012”.
Further details cand be obtained from Ms. Raluca SIMBOTIN - [email protected] , tel. 0040 21 310 0181
Before submitting your application forms, please check the “Check list”: