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Гранти від Інноваційного гуманітарного фонду

Supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) is currently inviting applications from the humanitarian organisations for the seed funding on Gender Based Violence (GBV).

The objective for the HIF during the first year of the GBV programme is to lay foundations for successful next steps. This includes identifying the current key gaps and challenges in GBV programming through rigorous research and identifying and supporting innovation initiatives to better meet women and girls’ needs and improve the quality and scale of GBV response, protection.

This seed funding may be used for travel, coordination of focus groups to explore new collaborations, partnership building or initial ideation. Grants will be for a maximum duration of 3 months.


HIF is providing seed funding to encourage the development of multi-disciplinary teams which can generate ideas for collaborative programmes that explore key challenges surrounding GBV in emergencies, and innovative new approaches to overcoming those challenges.

Through this seed funding the HIF is explicitly seeking to build relationships between those in operational humanitarian organisations with recognised experience of GBV, and experts from beyond the sector working in various aspects of innovation and design practice.

For the purpose of the programme, ‘Humanitarian crises’ includes natural disasters, conflicts, and complex emergencies, at the regional, national or sub-national level and primarily within lower or middle income countries.

Proposals should be exploratory in nature and can encompass any area of GBV in emergencies. There is no specific geographic focus for this call.

Proposals could include a broad range of approaches to understanding and tackling the problems faced in addressing and responding to GBV in emergencies. It is envisaged that new partnerships will emerge to generate fresh insights through research and engagement, working through operational agencies present at the field level.

This seed funding may be used for travel, coordination of focus groups to explore new collaborations, partnership building or initial ideation.

Applicants from lower and middle income countries are particularly encouraged to submit applications.

The HIF may be able to provide limited assistance in identifying additional partners with specific skills or expertise, if requested.


  • The project consortium must include at least one operational humanitarian organisation with strong experience of GBV in emergencies and one organisation working in various aspects of innovation and design practice.
  • Consortia should be diverse and may include research institutions, operational agencies, governmental organisations, individual experts, and local non-government or community based organisations, the private sector, or social enterprises. This list is not exhaustive.
  • Each project consortium will have to clearly identify a single lead agency.


Seed funding of up to £10,000 per application will be available.

Grants will be for a maximum duration of 3 months. 


The applications must include:

  1. Short proposal (2 pages approx.)
  2. Details of consortium, including letters of support
  3. Budget and timeline
  4. Legal registration of the lead applicant

All applications must be submitted through online registration process.

Please register and submit applications through our online grant management system.

Final submissions must be received by 23:59 hrs BST on 15 January 2016. Late submissions or submissions not using the HIF template will not be considered.

Applicants will be informed of the result of their application on 15 February 2016.


If your application is successful and progresses to the next stage, please be aware you will need these key documents:

  • Legal registration of the lead organisation
  • List of Trustees of the lead organisation and partners
  • Letters of support of the partners
  • Organisational chart of the lead organisation
  • Last three years audited accounts of the lead organisation
  • Child protection policy of lead organisation or partners (whichever is more appropriate).  Please note this is only relevant if the activities in the proposal involve field work.



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