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HR-менеджер у Національне агентство з протидії корупції

Передбачається проведення заходів та підготовка  звітності в Національному агентстві з питань запобігання корупції. Очікується міжнародний чи вітчизняний досвід експерта. Запитання щодо вакансії приймаються до 23 квітня 2018 року. 

Більше вакансій у розділі Вакансії

The EUACI, as requested by NACP, has to prepare the baseline assessment on HR in NACP, a concrete analytical note, including conducting a comprehensive analysis on the state of play in the field of HR management, identifying strengths and weaknesses of HR processes in the Agency. The assessment report will have to outline detailed and practical recommendations for the Agency in terms of mid- and long-term HRM strategies. The recommendations should be in line with good European standards and smart practices in the EU.

  1. 1.    The scope of work and timelines:

The assignment will have the following phases:

  1. Conducting the workshop “Human Resources Management and Leadership” based on good European practices (experience of German and France state agencies is preferable) - Timeline: May-June 2018
  2. Contributing to the selection of the methodology applicable to conducting complementary interviews – Timeline: May - June 2018
  3. Jointly with the EUAM international HR expert conducting complementary interviews in the framework– Timeline: June 2018
  4. Jointly with the EUAM international HR expert drafting of the f baseline assessment report -Timeline: June 2018
  5. Incorporating EUACI and NACP comments into the report. – Timeline: June 2018
  6. Finalizing the baseline assessment report and submitting it to EUACI – First half of July 2018.
  7. Participating in the public presentation of the report findings and recommendations at NACP – Timeline: July 2018.Team composition and qualifications                       An international or Ukrainian HR expert is foreseen.

Key qualifications of the consultant include:

Academic degree – MA degree or higher in HR, economics or others related field; 

  • At least five years of work experience with government HR processes (experience of working in the HR Departments in the EU state agencies or on improving HR processes at the EU state agencies will be considered as an asset);
  • At least three years of experience of conducting HR trainings for government agencies;
  • Proven experience of drafting HR -related documents and analytics (report writing on HR issues for international organizations or donors will be considered as an asset)
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English (Knowledge of Russian and/or Ukrainian will be considered as an asset)

6.The application package of the candidate should include:

-          CV of the candidate;

-          One page describing the methodology to be applied in the HRM project, indicating time availability;

-          Samples of reports\analysis\papers\trainings;

-          Budget.

All details at the link:


  • [email protected]
  • Національне агентство з протидії корупції


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