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Програма малих грантів від Міжнародної фундації досліджень експериментальної економіки

Міжнародна фундація досліджень експериментальної економіки оголошує про старт програми малих грантів для розвитку людини через експериментальну економіку. Обсяг гранту - до 10 000 доларів США. Дедлайн - 1 серпня 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше грантів у розділі Гранти 

Small Grants Program Description

The IFREE Small Grants Program provides funding of up to $10,000 for research projects that are consistent with IFREE’s Mission Statement and IFREE’s “principles of belief.” All proposals undergo a peer-review process. Funding decisions are based on scientific-merit, likelihood of success, expected benefits and broader impacts, and are subject to the availability of funds.

Investigators are encouraged to carefully read the “Inspiration Anchoring IFREE” page. IFREE does not support experiments that focus on individual decision making, including but not limited to, risk and time preferences, individual investment or portfolio allocation, elicitation of individual willingness to pay/accept, ability of individuals to perform tasks or make decisions under stress or cognitive load.


The Small Grants Program is open to anyone affiliated with a research institution, regardless of citizenship or location of the institution. Funding preference will be given to proposals that include one or more investigators who have participated in an IFREE workshop, either as a teacher or a student, and/or received pre or post-doctoral support from IFREE.

Budget guidelines

Funds may be requested only for expenses directly related to a research project, including, but not limited to, funding for laboratory subject incentives, research costs and software development. Funds may not be used for salary support for investigators or travel to conferences. IFREE does support travel that is necessary to conduct the research. When writing the proposal, it is important to justify all expenses. IFREE does not pay overhead or indirect cost recovery on grants.

Expectations from successful applicants:

  • The long term sustainability of the IFREE Small Grants Program depends upon volunteers to review proposals. Therefore, successful applicants may be asked to become part of the pool of reviewers to review proposals on an ad hoc basis.
  • Successful applicants will be expected to submit a final report within 6 months of the project’s completion. The report should account for use of the IFREE funds, describe the research conducted, summarize key results, and list all working papers, grant submissions, publications, etc.
  • Papers must acknowledge funding support from the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics Small Grants Program.

To request funding, proposals must meet the budget and formatting guidelines. If you have any questions or problems, contact the Chair of the Proposal Evaluation Committee (currently Jim Murphy at [email protected]). Proposals may be submitted at any time. Below is the timeline for review:

Replies to investigators will be given within about 30 days of the board meeting in which the proposal was reviewed. Grants will be made only to universities, university foundations or other recognized research institutions, not to individuals.

Proposals must adhere to the following format (each section below must begin on a new page):

  1. Cover page.
  2. Proposal (maximum 5 pages, single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font).
  3. Statement about how the proposed research contributes to IFREE’s mission (1/2 page maximum).
  4. References cited.
  5. Budget and budget justification.
  6. Project timeline, including report submitted to IFREE, due 6 months after project completion.
  7. Summary of qualifications of the investigator(s) (maximum ½ page per investigator).
  8. Results from prior IFREE research support. If the PI or co-PI has received research support from IFREE in the past, please describe the results including: the date on which a project completion report was submitted, any publications resulting from IFREE support, and any other pertinent informatio
  9. Facilities available for research and statement that all research will be conducted in compliance with the IRB protocols of the institution receiving the grant.

Proposal submission checklist:

  • Each section must begin on a new page.
  • Budget must conform to budget guidelines.
  • All sections must be combined into a single document with pages numbered sequentially.
  • Proposals must be submitted as a PDF document.
    1. All sections must be combined into a single document with pages numbered sequentially.
  • Files must use the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName.pdf.
  • Proposals must be submitted using the proposal submission form.

Proposals that do not comply with the above guidelines will not be reviewed.




  • The International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics
  • [email protected]
  • (520) 991-0109


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