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Грант на підтримку боротьби з ВІЛ-СНІДом в Україні

Агентство США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID), приймає заявки від кваліфікованих організацій, які займаються питаннями боротьби з ВІЛ-СНІДом в Україні. Дедлайн - 15 травня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Regional Contracting Office in Kyiv, Ukraine is seeking applications from qualified organizations for funding of an activity entitled “HealthLink Ukraine”.

HealthLink is USAID Ukraine’s five year flagship PEPFAR activity to further Ukraine’s efforts to achieve the UNAIDS and PEPFAR 90-90-90 targets. The activity will increase demand for and access to HIV services, increase the numbers of PLHIV who know their status and are linked to care, address gaps in the HIV service cascade, and reduce stigma and discrimination toward PLHIV and KPs with higher risks of being infected with HIV.

Funding Information

  • Subject to funding availability, USAID intends to provide $22,000,000 in total USAID funding over a 5-year period.
  • The ceiling of this activity is $22,000,000.

Expected Results

Goal: The overall goal of HealthLink is to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to end HIV as a public health threat by 2030. To reach this goal, HealthLink will achieve the following results:

  • Increased and sustained demand for high quality prevention and treatment services among PLHIV and KP.
  • Civil society advocacy actions lead to improved access to quality and effective health services.
  • Increased numbers of people who know their HIV status, are linked to care and treatment, and are retained in care and treatment in targeted oblasts.
  • Reduced stigma, self-stigmatization and discrimination toward PLHIV and KPs.

Eligibility Criteria

Any local (Ukrainian) non-governmental or commercial organizations in Ukraine, who are able to respond to the NOFO and be able to mobilize in a short period of time, are eligible to apply under this NOFO.

USAID defines a local organization as one that:

  • Is legally organized under the laws of Ukraine;
  • Has its principal place of business or operations in Ukraine;
  • Is majority-owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the recipient country or is managed by the governing body, the majority of whose members are citizens or lawful permanent residents of Ukraine and
  • Is not controlled by a foreign entity or by an individual or individuals who are not citizens or permanent residents of Ukraine

How to Apply

Complete Application packages shall be submitted electronically via given website.

Eligible Country: Ukraine

More information and application



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