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Міжнародний жіночий форум підприємців

Лондонський центр міждисціплінарних досліджень апрошує Вас на Міжнародний Жіночий Форум Підприємців в Польщі та Україні. Форум відбудеться 21 червня 2017 року в Кракові (Польща) та 23 червня 2017 року у Львові (Україна). Дедлайн - 20 червня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

International Forum on Women Entrepreneurship in Ukraine and Poland “WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN TURBULENT TIMES, organised by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Interdisciplinary Research Foundation (Warsaw, Poland), and European Business Association (EBA) Western Ukrainian Office on June 21 – Krakow (Poland), June 23 – Lviv (Ukraine) is aimed to provide practical solutions and expert discussions on existing barriers for women to start and provide small and medium business.

The turbulence in economy nowadays is a trend. Additional challenges female business owners face, especially the ones dealing in emerging economies. Business women nowadays are pulled to play two-sexes-role: from one hand feminine-wife&mother-peacebuilder and from the other hand masculine-owner-warrior. 

There were deep studies initiated by Prof. John Johnson (US based researcher and entrepreneur) in 2012-2015 (1000 female owners were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine) and in 2016 (Krakow focus group). Respondents in Ukraine mentioned three main obstacles to running business in Ukraine: the bureaucracy of public authorities, lack of support and lack of independent sources of funding to start a business. And participants of Polish focus group stressed mostly such barriers as: unclear tax and legal policies, lack of co-funding for SME’s, and lack of qualified personnel at the labor market.

The Forum will bring together around 70 participants – female owners of SME’s coming from Ukraine and Poland, and operating in various business fields. 
The first part of the Forum will take place in Krakow (June 21) and second part – in Lviv (June 23), including funding opportunities discussions, applied trainings, forum with experts, networking, and multiply extracurricular activities.

Keynote speakers:

Dr. John Johnson, Colorado State University - Global Campus, USA

Prof. Anna Sanko, Colorado State University - Global Campus, USA

 The forum is addressed to:

1) female small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs)  SMEs owners

2) governmental and non-governmental organizations

3) researchers and faculty

4) media and society

5) international organizations

Participation fee:

full - €35

special (for partners) - €25

There is a possibility for students to get practical experience as volunteers at the Forum (official certificates from London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research will be provided).

Registration is open till June 20



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