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Програма стажування імені Ейзенхауера (США)

Програма стажування імені Ейзенхауера відкриває відбір для агентів змін віком 32-45 років з усього світу. Мета програми - розвиток лідерських якостей учасників та формування глобальної мережі інноваційних лідерів, яка нараховує вже понад 1600 випускників програми. Дедлайн - 15 червня 2018 року (далі - англ.).

Більше тренінгів у розділі Тренінги

Candidates for a Global Eisenhower Fellowship must be non U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Competitive applicants generally fall within the age range of approximately 32 to 45 years old, as this is a fellowship aimed at ascendant mid-career professionals, not students or full-time academics. While we do consider candidates who are older or younger than this, the farther your age falls outside of this age range, the less competitive your application will be. 
Before applying all candidates should consider carefully whether their professional and personal circumstances will allow them to participate in an intensive, seven-week international fellowship. Beginning a few months prior to travel, Eisenhower Fellows must devote significant time to researching and preparing for their fellowship with an EF program team. 
Selection: Eisenhower Fellowships seeks a diverse mix of applicants from a wide range of professional sectors. EF provides a unique leadership development opportunity for individuals who have a demonstrated track record of significant professional and community achievements and who seek to tackle big challenges in the future.  Competitive candidates articulate goals for the fellowship program and propose steps to achieve them.  EF seeks ascendant leaders who are committed to making the world more peaceful, prosperous and just, and who are committed to a lifelong engagement with EF’s network of over 1,500 active leaders around the world. 
EF recruits its global candidates from more than 55 countries in Europe, Latin America, Asia, Oceania and Africa. Candidates are solicited through an open application process, and supported by EF’s 44 local country chapters in the vetting and selection of candidates. To ensure that the network and Fellow classes remain diverse and representative of countries, regions and professional sectors, EF opens up its global programs each spring and fall to a select group of countries in its network, while still allowing all interested country chapters with strong candidates to apply. The country rotation schedule is based on a variety of factors, including size of the EF network and geopolitical importance of the country and/or region, among others.

Successful candidates typically display the following characteristics in their applications

  • demonstrate not only significant accomplishments within their communities and their professions but also high potential for growth and broader impact; 
  • propose a compelling fellowship program that takes full advantage of this unique opportunity; 
  • identify a project or initiative they intend to develop during the fellowship and are able to articulate how this experience will help them meet that goal and create positive impact; and 
  • commit to engage actively with the global Eisenhower Fellowship network throughout their lifetime.

Application form



  • Eisenhower Fellowships
  • [email protected]
  • +1 215-546-1738
  • 250 S 16th St Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19102


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